Friday, 6 April 2012

Tune up companian 2.2.7 Full Version Incl Crack

TuneUp plugs into iTunes and Windows Media Player, providing you with easy, 1-click access to all the tools you need to get the most out of your music.

The interface is simple and intuitive. No instruction manuals needed!

TuneUp is able to intelligently fix your music library using cutting-edge acoustic fingerprinting technology, which evaluates the song's digital DNA and references it against Gracenote's MusicID™, the world's largest database of music metadata.

TuneUp Companion is a handy and user-friendly application that works together with iTunes and allows you to clean up your tracks’ metadata among many other things. The program also has the ability to scan the first seconds of a track, then compare it with the Gracenote catalog to identify it, and finally fill in your missing data automatically as well as grab the album art.

What you have to do is simply drag the tracks with missing information from the iTunes windows to TuneUp’s Clean tab and the application will try to identify them and group them as positively, probably, or not identified. It is highly recommended that you you drop in only 50-60 tracks at a time, because otherwise it will take hours to process them.

As regards sound effects, audio books and audio files, the program will not recognize them so you will have to clean them manually. Additional functions also include, providing web links for the artist that is being played in iTunes, adding album art, and helping you find concerts in your area. All in all, if you are a heavy user of iTunes, TuneUp Companion is a must-have application. Unfortunately, the program is only available for Windows users, but OS X version should be around soon.

User-friendly interface.
Many useful functions.

Not available for Mac users yet.
Does not recognize sound effects, audio books and audio files.

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