Monday, 2 April 2012

Windows xp genuine advantage notification removal

Option 1:- without any Software

1.Launch Windows Task Manager.
2.End wgatray.exe process in Task Manager.
3.Restart Windows XP in Safe Mode.
4.Delete WgaTray.exe from C:\Windows\System32.
5.Delete WgaTray.exe from C:\Windows\System32\dllcache.
6.Launch RegEdit.
7.Browse to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify
8.Delete the folder ‘WgaLogon’ and all its contents
9.Reboot Windows XP.
10.Go to Control Panel > Security Center > Automatic Update Settings.
11.Select the third option “Notify me but don’t automatically download or install them“.
12.Click Ok.

Enjoy :)

Option 2:- with software

Are you tired of Microsoft windows genuine advantage notification, always telling you that your window is not genuine? Are you tired of having to wait for 5 seconds before you can logon to your computer and you badly needed a windows genuine validation tool to solve the problem?How badly do you need the windows xp activation software?Are you tired of the windows notification pop up telling you that you may be a victim of a software counterfeiting? Has this notificationchanged your desktop to total black color? Are you thinking of formatting your computer? Remember you have files that you don’t want to lose.

RemoveWGA will enable you to easily remove the Microsoft "Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications" tool, which is calling home and connect to MS servers every time you boot. Futures updates of this notification tool will (officialy) setup the connection rate to once every two weeks.

Once the WGA Notification tool has checked your OS and has confirmed you had a legit copy, there is no decent point or reason to check it again and again every boot. Moreover, connecting to Microsoft brings security issue for corporate networks, and privacy issues for everyone. It is also unclear which information are transmitted (Microsoft published an official answer, but an individual study brought some questions).

All of that, along the fact that Microsoft used deceptive ways to make you install this tool (it was told you it was an urgent security update, whereas it is a new installation giving you no extra security) makes me calling this tool a spyware.

Also, Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications is different than Windows Genuine Advantage Validation. RemoveWGA only removes the notification part, phoning home, and does not touch the Validation part. ok now u can uninstall Windows "Genuine Advantage

Notifications" tool.....100% WORKING....

Note: Some antivirus and antispyware programs flag RemoveWGA as being infected/malware, although the application is perfectly safe and does not pose a threat to your system. This is called a 'false positive'. The term false positive is used when antivirus software wrongly classifies an innocuous ( inoffensive ) file as a virus. The incorrect detection may be due to heuristics or to an incorrect virus signature in a database. [Similar problems can occur with antitrojan or antispyware software.]

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