Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Movie Collector Pro Edition v8.0 Plus Crack

Create a personal DVD database on your PC or Mac. Just enter titles or scan barcodes to auto-download movie details & cover art.

Catalog files, view stats, print lists, manage loans, export data to XML/CSV, and more...

Check your movie database and wish list on your mobile.

Browse your Movie Collector database and wish list with the CLZ Movies app,

currently available for iPhone / iPod touch, iPad and Android.

Publish your movie list online and share it with friends

Upload your movie list to Movie Collector Connect and email your public web-link.

Catalog your DVDs and Blu-Ray discs by Title or Barcode

Catalog DVDs by barcode

* No need to enter movie details manually or to scan DVD images.

* Just enter the movie title or scan the DVD barcode.

* Automatically download all movie information (cast, crew, plot, etc...) and DVD details, including cover images.

About the Collectorz.com central online movie database:

The Collectorz.com online DVD database is the source of all your movie and edition information.

Access to this database is free and included with all editions (Standard, Pro or Connect).

The online database will instantly provide the following information:

DVD databaseBlu-Ray database

* Cover Images

* Cast And Crew Listings

* Genres, Studios, Release Dates

* Plot Summaries (For Movies) And Episode Lists (For TV Series)

* Edition Details like Format, Screen Ratios, Subtitles, Audio Tracks...

No manual data entry. No need to scan your own cover images.

Catalog your movie files by scanning folders

* Scan your folders for movie files.

* Add the found movies to your database in batch, using either the file name or folder name as the movie title, with the movie files automatically added under Links.

* Then use Update Movies Automatically to download movie information (like cast, crew, plot & cover image) from the Collectorz.com online database.

* Or, link the found movies to existing entries in your database.

* Use the Play button in the Details View, or Play button on the toolbar, to start the movie in your favorite movie player.

Browse your movies on Media Center (Vista or Windows 7):

Browse movie cover images, view movie details, play linked movie files.

CLZ Movies mobile app : Check your list while on the road

Available for iPhone / iPod touch, iPad and Android for €7.99

* Use CLZ Movies to check your collection and wish list on your mobile device, Just export the data and images from the Windows or Mac edition (Standard or Pro).

* Browse your DVDs and Blu-Ray's with full data and images, No need to be online, all data is stored on your device for fast browsing.

* Currently available for iPhone / iPod touch, for iPad and for Android.

Movie Collector Connect : Share your DVD database online, Subscription: €15.60 per year (optional add-on to Movie Collector)

* Publish your DVD database online on Collectorz.com servers, Access your Blu-Ray and DVD database from any online computer or mobile device.

* Share your movie collection list with friends and family, Just email them the link to your public collection on the Connect website.

* Connect is a fully stand-alone movie organizer tool, Connect is an (optional) add-on to the Movie Collector downloadable desktop edition for Windows or Mac, but it can also be used on its own, as an easy online DVD cataloging tool.

Carousel Devices: Support for DVD Storage Units

Centurion CD

Ziotek / Dacal CD/DVD Carousel

Movie Collector includes integrated support for the Centurion CD/DVD Device and Dacal/Ziotek CD/DVD Carousel Device.

* Link the DVD discs in your personal database to slots in your Centurion CD/DVD Device or your Dacal/Ziotek CD/DVD Carousel Device.

* Use the Browse and Search features to find the disc you are looking for, then choose Eject. The device will automatically rotate and eject the disc.

* Connect multiple devices and the software will keep track of the location of your movies.

* For info: Centurion CD/DVD Device / Ziotek/Dacal CD/DVD Carousel Device

Network Support including Read-Only Mode

* A lock file system automatically prevents concurrent editing

* When one user is already using a database in Writable mode, subsequent users will automatically open the database in Read-Only mode

* In Read-Only all editing features are hidden and disabled, allowing viewing and searching only

* Create Read-Only workstations by running a forced Read-Only installation (start the installer with the /readonly command line parameter) Compatibility

Microsoft WindowsThe Windows edition is compatible with Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7. It is available in the following languages: English, Czech, Dutch, German, Hungarian, French, Turkish, Polish, Croatian, Italian, Slovenian, Swedish, Greek, Russian, Danish, Brasilian Portuguese, Norwegian, Spanish, Indonesian, Portuguese, Islandic.

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