Tuesday, 1 May 2012

PC Security Tweaker v9.6 Plus Crack

PC Security Tweaker is a security tweaking utility you can use to tweak Windows-based computers.

It is compatible with all Windows versions and lets you control which users are allowed to access your PC and the level of access each user may have. You can choose to tweak access to lots of Control Panel applet functions, including Display, Network, Passwords, Printers, System, Add/Remove Programs, etc.

You can enforce users to use separate system profile folders and provide them with their own custom shell folders such as Desktop, Start Menu, Favorites, My Documents. Additionally, by tweaking, you can: disable selected Start Menu items, lock and protect disk drives in My Computer, disable the DOS and command prompt, interruption boot keys, real DOS mode, Registry editing, taskbar, task manager, and network access, hide desktop icons, and much more. You can password-protect Windows and restrict users to running specific applications only. Security tweaks can be applied universally or just to specific users. This software also lets you tweak Internet Explorer to secure web browsing.

Security Tools - security tools to password-protect PC

Bulletproof Public PC - public access PC kiosk

PC Security Tweaker - tweak to secure Windows PC

Lock My Computer - limit access to Windows PC

Advanced File Vault - hide & lock your files

DVD Device Lock - control access to device drives

Access Controller - lock desktop with password

File Access Scheduler - control access to files

File and Folder Privacy - protect your data

Outlook Express Privacy - protect e-mail messages

Internet Tools - email and Internet tools, SMTP servers and mass mailers

Best Mass Mailer - mass email tool

Personal Mail Server Pro - SMTP/POP3 mail server

Local SMTP Server Pro - use PC as SMTP server

Trading Tools - trading strategy testing software

Trading Strategy Tester for FOREX - test then invest

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Home Page - our home page with the full list of our software

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