Tuesday, 27 March 2012

AxCrypt 1.7 Full version

AxCrypt you can use to encrypt your files so that can not be viewed by a careless person.

If you are looking for a reliable program enkirpsi file, maybe you could try a program called AxCrypt. This software is a file encryption program that is easy to use and powerful is also integrated with Windows Explorer. With this AxCrypt you can encrypt, compress, view descriptions, wiping, view and edit any file with a few clicks away kai.

AxCrypt uses the AES-128 cryptography system and SGA-1. With a combination of both systems, security software AxCrypt be solid with. Files that are encrypted with this splikasi will have the extension. AXX were added to his name, and display the new icon.

AxCrypt has passed the test of Microsoft's platform for ISV solutions at VeriTest. This experiment was conducted independently by VeriTest, a testing service of Lionbridge Technologies, or trial.

This software can you use if there is anything on your computer that you do not want others to see, whether it's your financial information, client files, trade secrets, or even personal photographs and your hobby. AxCrypt will allow you to encrypt any type of files separately, ensure that your sensitive data safe from other people's eyesight.

This program integrates easily with Windows, emerged as a context menu item in each file. Users just right click on the item they want to be encrypted, select AxCrypt from the menu, and select Encrypt. This program will allow users to choose a password to a file and optionally create a 'key-file'. As described in its name, the key file (key-file) was designed to serve as a key that can unlock encrypted files dudah it.

In addition to encrypt the original file, the program also allows users to copy encryption, encrypt a copy to. EXE, and split or delete files. This program has a 'Help File' in PDF format.

Overall, we feel that this is a program AxCript a powerful and easy to use, and we think this is the right way to make your files remain safe. We highly recommend this program for all users.

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