Sunday, 25 March 2012

Hamachi 2.1

Hamachi is a software that helps you to set up a VPN (LAN over the Internet) to connect the different branches of your company with ease.

LogMeIn Hamachi is a VPN service (hosted VPN service) that connects devices and networks are secure, expand the network-based LAN (Local Area Network) to the mobile user, and distribute the team and business applications. You can easily create a secure virtual network as needed, across the public network (public network) and the private network (private network). Hamachi can be managed from anywhere via the web safely.

Hamachi will allow you to establish secure direct connection on a computer that is not accessible due to restriction on network settings (network setup). For example, if your home computer connected to the Internet via Connection Sharing or Broadband Router, you generally will not be able to access it from, for example, your office. By installing Hamachi on two computers and clicking a few buttons, you can connect the two computers is instant and secure. Then you will be able to do file sharing, run remote desktop or even host a multiplayer game on one computer to another and then use a computer to join (join) in the game. As if the two computers are physically connected.

Hamachi is a networking technology that allows two computers to the Internet to be able to communicate directly with one another, regardless of the presence of firewalls or address translation devices between them. More interestingly, Hamachi enables peer-to-peer network between two computers that are behind two different connection sharing devices. In more technical terms, Hamachi allows for bidirectional NAT traversal.

Connectivity peer-to-peer network became possible with the help of Hamachi servers that mediate the formation of contacts between the peer. In addition, Hamachi also provide a safe service. All Hamachi communications are conducted by experienced process of encryption and authentication using standard algorithms and protocols. That way, no one else can see or know what is being communicated by the two computers that use Hamachi. But most important is, Hamachi security architecture is completely open to anyone who is interested in more in depth.

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