Saturday, 24 March 2012

Photoscape 3.6 Full version

Photoscape is an image editor that quality alternative. You can call it as a rival to Photoshop

Photoscape is a photo editing software is very well known. For you fans of computing, especially for those who love the world of design and photography, this could be the software you ever tried before. Yes, Photoscape, is known for its reliability software to download the "touch" photos that you have become more interesting and more beautiful than ever before. Free software / free is very attractive and you can wear without having to pay at all.

There are many features that are provided by this Photoscape software. One of the favorites is the "Page". This feature allows you as a user to bring together some of the photos you have into one. Arguably a kind of collage. This makes Photoscape become one of the software that you deserve to make the "weapons" to manage your photo collections that we make sure there are hundreds. Why?

Because with Photoscape you can put together all your memory in a frame only. Plus, you can add some details on the new frame, for example adding text such as notes about when the photo was taken, with whom, where, and in what order. Interesting is not it?

But not only features an interesting page that's all. Still there are many other features that cause it proper to use application to edit the photos you have. Some of these include:

Viewer: to create a slideshow of photos of your collection in a specific folder

Editor: standard features such as removing red eye, change color, sharpness, contrast and so forth.

Batch editor: With this feature you can perform a variety of photo editing at once, so it is more efficient when compared to editing the photos one at a time

Page: Another name of the collages, which combine the various images in a special frame

Combine: similar to the previous page features, this time helps you to be able to combine together different images together, vertically or horizontally

Animated GIF: to create an animated GIF image file? You can try this one

Print: to print the photos that you edit. Sometimes you want to print it?

Splitter: another term for cropping images. With this feature you can crop an image and supply the parts that are cut to a different photo

Screen Capture: take a screenshot of the photos

Color Picker: choosing a particular color of the image you are editing

Rename: as the name suggests, to change the data file name being edited

Raw Converter: if one is to change the file format into JPEG

Paper Print: here are some options model of printing / printing

Face Search: This feature is quite funny, which is looking for pictures that looked like the picture being edited.

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