Saturday, 24 March 2012

XnView 1.98.2 Full version

XnView is a image viewer that is lightweight and easy to use. But not only that, XnView also can help you to simply edit the image files you want.

XnView is a software for viewing (viewing) and converting (converting) image files in your possession. This software can read over 400 file formats, like GIF, BMP, JPEG, PNG, TARGA, multipage TIFF, camera RAW, JPEG 2000, MPEG, AVI, and Quicktime. In addition, EXIF ​​and IPTC metadata are also supported. Software image viewer has a browser that looks like Windows Explorer that allows users to browse the content directory.

XnView supports red eye correction, crop and change (transform) JPEG images without reducing the quality (losslessly), generates HTML pages and contact sheets, and provides batch conversion and batch renaming. By using XnView, users can also create slide shows with transition effects, make screen capturing, WIA and TWAIN support (scanner and digital cameras), image comparison, and file operations.

In other words, the software image browser, image viewer, image converter and provides a number of tools that can help when working on photos or digital images. Its panel interface will not be difficult for the user, because the panel uses a tree structure (tree structure) that allows users to view and access all his collection of image files.

One of the main complaints on this software is a filter effect that is more complex and can not be accessed from the main window, and requires you to do a double click (double click) on a file before you can use it. In addition to standard tools for rotating (rotating) the image and name more than one file (renaming files in bulk), XnView can mengkonveri images into various formats.

In addition, you will also find a tool to make screenshots and create a standard slide show, as well as a tool for simple audio player. XnView is recommended for digital photographers who already have a professional image editor software, or for anyone who wants to have a software image browser, image viewer and image converter capable standard. XnView latest version adds Mamiya, Leaf, Hasselblad, Epson, Imacon and Sinar Camera RAW and TIFF support can read write EXIF.

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