Sunday, 25 March 2012

PDFCreator 1.2.3

PDFCreator is a software that will help you to create a PDF file from almost any any application that can print data to the printer.

PDFCreator is a tool to create PDF files (Portable Document Format) from almost any application running on Windows operating systems. Key features contained in it are: create PDF documents from almost any application that has the ability to print (print); encrypt PDFs and protect them from being opened, printed, etc.; provide digital signs (digital sign) to ensure that you are the original author, and the file is not modified; create PDF files for long-term archiving; can create not just a PDF file, but can also create files PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PS, EPS; AutoSave file the folder and file names by Tags like Username, ComputerName, Date, Time, and others; supports Windows Vista and Windows 7, and the best, you can download and use for free. PDFCreator is an open source software and released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Not much needs to be assessed from this software, PDFCreator is a software that can help users to convert files into PDF format easily and quickly, and also free. PDFCreator has a user interface design is very basic and simple. However, by having a minimum display, users can easily and quickly navigate in it and can get the job done quickly.

When the user has selected a file to be converted, the user will be brought to the screen that much simpler. This display will prompt the user to create a file name, date of creation (creation date), author, keyword or subject to a PDF document to be created. At the bottom of the screen there is a command to store (save) a PDF or to emailkannya. Email option will add an instant PDF documents as attachments (attachments) in Outlook email.

For those of you who have used other PDF maker application, then chances are you'll be amazed ease and speed when converting a PDF document using PDFCreator. Therefore, you are looking for a PDF converter application that is simple, free, and functional, then the PDFCreator is a good candidate to meet these needs.

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