Monday, 26 March 2012

Postbox 2.5.3

Postobox is an email client that gives you the speed and ease in managing e-mails you have.

By using the Mozilla code base, Postbox rivals Thunderbird as a desktop email client elternative. Make no mistake, Postbox introduces some innovations that Mozilla could learn.

By clicking on an email, preview panel will appear, and not only display text, but to extract all links, images, other attachments and contacts into a Compose Sidebar to be set up easily. From there, you can upload your data into Twitter, FriendFeed, MySpace, Delicious, and Google.

Postbox is also obsessed with tabs, just like internet browser, so that each new mail can open traditionally or in a tab has. A search feature has its own tab as well. If you feel satisfied and happy using Postbox, you can move email, contacts, and other woods messaging data from Thunderbird, Outlook, Google and Yahoo into this Postbox.

Two other innovations are worthy of attention and thumbs up that you can extract attachments, links, images, or contact globally into a tab.

That we think less of Postbox is very limited customization features. But if you do not need to use email client unless it is just to send and receive email only, Postbox has more than enough to be used.

Postbox helps you to load all your email, organize your work schedule, and complete other tasks. Postbox works behind the scenes to catalog everything to your email, including any text, every contact, address and link, any images or photographs, documents and attachments. All that will be incorporated into a catalog and can all disearch.

Furthermore, Postbox has an integrated backup that can automatically create a backup of your files when you close the Postbox, so your data will be safe with a Postbox is.Undo edits

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