Sunday, 25 March 2012

LibreOffice 3.4.3

LibreOffice is an alternative office suite that you can use to perform various office tasks. With LibreOffice, you do not need to buy Microsoft Office applications that cost hundreds of dollars.

LibreOffice is a personal productivity suite software for open source operating systems Windows, Macintosh and GNU / Linux, and give six applications for all data processing needs and making your documents, namely: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base. Support (support) and documentation (documentation) is available free of charge from the community of users, contributors, and a great developer.

When one day you need to create documents, spreadsheets, databases, and presentations, Microsoft Office is probably the only software that came on your mind. But be aware, that Microsoft Office is a software that is relatively inexpensive. Fortunately, there are cheaper alternatives (even free) out there. LibreOffice is one of them, and is one of a free alternative to Microsoft Office that can be relied upon.

When first run, LibreOffice will display a main menu that allows the user to select one application to be used, namely: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base. Each interface of each application that looks very familiar if you've used Microsoft Office products before. To obtain an objective assessment of these products, then you can immediately try it.

First you can try LibreOffice Writer, a word processing application (word processor). When you create a document, start typing, and give the format of the text, you will not find any problem. By default, this application will save the file in the format. Odt, which can not be opened by Microsoft Word. To overcome the problem of compatibility, LibreOffice allows you to save documents in the format. Doc. That way, you do not have to worry anymore when I have to create a document that will be read using Microsoft Word application. For other applications, it looks not much different, and provide functionality that is not less than Microsoft Office.

LibreOffice can be installed and in-unistall properly and not leave the remaining relative on your computer. In addition, all tools and functions work fine, just like its competitors. Although equipped with a complete and functional features, LibreOffice still you can download and use for free you. Therefore, for those who are looking for alternatives to Microsoft Office, LibreOffice is the right option.

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