Monday, 26 March 2012

Ventrilo Client 3.0.7

Ventrilo is a kind of Skype VoIP software that is aimed at users who want to communicate audio together. This version is the version of the Ventrilo client to software.

Ventrilo is a Voice over IP communications (VoIP) large-scale fix some problems associated with the network, packet loss, uptime and administration. Ventrilo can be used for the application of personal / home like talking with friends and family, or playing online games where Voice Comm is set to make it more interesting and productive. Ventrilo can be used in an enterprise productivity tool to a create a long-distance relationship.

By way of providing surround sound positioning and special sound effects per user, per channel, per server or global configuration level, this program provides the option for each user to customize exactly how they can listen to the voice of the user or other event.

Ventrilo is best known for the superior sound quality and minimal use of CPU resources so as not to interfere with daily computer use or during online game competitions. In addition, Ventrilo also has an attractive user interface and very simple so any user who first used it too can learn it quickly because the feature is often used can be seen and can be activated with a click of the mouse.

The latest version of Ventrilo introduce a more detailed control for the user to control how the window is displayed. You can enable and disable the title bar, displaying large buttons located on the right or turn it into a toolbar mode with icons on the top to maximize the width of the window. Extended mode can hide the User Name, Server and Bindings options. Enable and disable the grid line in the user list window. You can also customize the user list window icons and toolbar icon.

All changes make it easier for users to use a feature that is often used with a click of your mouse. You do not need to navigate the multi-stage menu options just to send a comment to another user.

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