Monday, 26 March 2012

TweetDeck 1.2

You want to stay connected with Twitter and other social networking? Use Tweetdeck.

Twitter is one of the most social networking users in Indonesia, and also in the world. There are several things that make Twitter become very famous and a favorite of many people. Among other reasons is its ease of use and ease of registration, its network is extensive, it is also free and also quickly update being done there. For many people up and others are more comfortable and better than Twitter, but for many others it seems Twitter is the main choice.

Well if you include people who have a variety of social networking account, be it facebook, twitter, myspace, LinkedIn, etc. and you want to stay connected with all the accounts and as well not want to miss all the status updates of your friends, maybe TweetDeck can help.

On the one hand, the number of choices that make the people can choose which one is better suited jejarin and more suited to their needs and desires. However, with so many choices it makes people feel confused and overwhelmed to wait for updates from their friends because of the many social networks should be monitored. Well, for those who want to overcome these obstacles, use the help of TweetDeck by Twitter.

Tweetdeck can be regarded as a desktop software designed for the technology base developed by Adobe AIR, a runtime multi OSyang developed Adobe Systems Inc to build RIA (Rich Internet Application). TweetDeck is owned by Twitter. TweetDeck also developed by Twitter. Therefore called Tweetdeck by Twitter.

Software Twetdeck by Twitter This will help you to always update and connect with all your friends even if they all wear various different social networks. No matter whether they are on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, or anything else, TweetDeck still be treated appropriately and smoothly. The result is: You stay connected with all of your friends are.

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