Fresh View is a multimedia management software that can help you to manage a variety of image files, audio and video that you have.
Fresh View is a software image viewer and media browser easier to use and supports various image formats, audio and video. This free software designed to help you manage and view multimedia files (images, audio, and video), as well as giving you the ability to view videos, listen to music and view pictures in a slide show. Image files in a folder can be displayed using a display mode (view), including a thumbnail view that lets you view images quickly without opening it first. You can also convert images from one type to another, print, and create HTML album.
Easy to use software supports 86 different multimedia formats (and keep updated). The following is a list of some merupkaan multimedia file formats supported by the software Fresh View:
Image formats: Windows Bitmap (*. Bmp), Windows Metafile (*. Wmf, *. Emf), JPEG Image (*. Jpg, *. JPE, *. Jpeg, *. JFIF), CompuServe GIF Image (*. Gif ), Portable Network Graphic Image (*. png), Tagged Image File Format Image (*. tif, *. tiff), Photoshop Image (*. psd, *. PDD), TrueVision Image (*. tga, *. win, *. VST, *. VDA, *. ICB), and much more.
Format audio: Audio WAVE (*. Wav), MP3 Audio (*. Mp3), MIDI Audio (*. Mid, *. Midi, *. Rmi), Ogg Vorbis Audio (*. Ogg), AIFF Audio (*. AIF , *. aifc, *. aiff), AU Audio (*. au), ProTracker Mod Audio (*. mod, *. mdz, *. NST, *. M15), and much more.
Video format: AVI Video (*. Avi), MPEG Video (*. M1V, *. Mp2, *. Mp2v, *. Mpa, *. MPE, *. Mpeg, *. Mpg, *. Mpv2).
Icon formats: Windows Icon (*. Ico) Windows Cursor (*. Cur) Animated Cursor (*. Ani), Icon Library (*. ICL), Executable Files (*. Exe), Dynamic Linking Library (*. Etc. ).
By using this software, you can easily copy (copy) or move (move) file, view it as a slideshow (with transition effect), set it as wallpaper or create an HTML image gallery. You can also place all the files on the baskets are available for processing (batch process) later. Additional features include a feature imported from a scanner or camera, EXIF and IPTC support, customizable interface layouts, and much more. Software Fresh View is a free software, but will require a registration process (free registration) after 11 days of use.
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